Robinson's Camera Centre
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Meet the owner

Photographers have been making their way to Robinson’s Camera Centre since 1936. Camera styles have changed since Mr. Robinson sold to Tony Peters in 1967 but the focus on customers remains the same. “We pride ourselves in being able to service our customers,” says manager Darryl Riediger, “If at any time, a customer has any questions regarding the product they purchased, we are just a phone call away or if they wish to drop into the store, we are more than happy to discuss any questions.” Every customer receives 30 minutes of instruction to get them started with their new camera. If they want more training, private coaching is available.

Robinson’s Camera carries all the major camera brands plus accessories, lighting and audio equipment. “We have everything for the hobbyist all the way up to the advanced hobbyist,” Riediger says. Competing with larger businesses can be difficult, but Robinson’s has survived by focusing on expertise. “The specialty retailer, that’s what we are. We don’t sell canoes. We don’t sell televisions. We sell cameras and camera-related equipment, so we know the product very well.”

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Robinson’s Camera foot source is open Monday to Saturday and offers photography classes as well as a wide assortment of photographic equipment and goods. Book a one-on-one class with an photography expert and learn how to use your camera to its full potential.

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