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Ratings & Reviews - UPS

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    Was supposed to have a guaranteed delivery by Tuesday which is what was paid for. They now say it’s going to be Friday at the earliest. Terrible customer service

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    Worst service ever. Won’t even deliver my package and have to explain my story 12 times. Ups is garbage.

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    Terrible Customer support. I was told a supervisor would call in 30 minutes...3 hours later, still no call. Then a supervisor tried to contact her manager, and hours later, still no answer. Very disappointing.

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    Absolutely horrendous. If you ship expedited/overnight be prepared for delays. They are completely incompetent. Dozens of reps, multiple supervisors, and one manager later and UPS still has no clue where my package is or why it hasnt been delivered. I have lost 3 half-days of work to be home for scheduled deliveries. They tell me it will go out next business day and it does not. If you have any desire for packages to be delivered DO NOT USE UPS. They do not care and will not correct problems.

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    Their service is the worst! They have been holding our motor in Richmond for eight days with no contact from them and we need this motor for an urgent repair. We have had trouble with this company before and their service sucks!!! Use anyone but UPS. Snail mail is way better.

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    UPS Next day service didnt show up the next day. Or the next, or even the next. Our package got stuck in Richmond for 30 hours . It was critical that we get the small package and is going to cost us a pile of money because of their incompetence. Terrible unreliable company.

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    Horrible horrible horrible. We are out $1500 and now going to court because of the incompetence of a UPS driver. Long story short, a package was sent to us and UPS marked it as delivered. Problem was it wasnt. We thought the package was stolen from our front door, only to find out he delivered it to an address that was nonexistant. A week later, 6 hours on the phone and no call backs from anyone at UPS has now left us no choice but to seek legal action. Did I say horrible?

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    UPS : Unable to Provide Service

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    went away for a week. UPS stuck notices all over my door advertising to everyone that there was nobody home my house got broken into because of it on top of all that....they expect me to drive all the way to Richmond from Vancouver just to pick up a letter. it's not gonna happen what a useless company

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    Ordered a product from a brick and mortar store and asked for delivery as it would not fit in the car. UPS attempted to deliver two days in a row at midday. I am at work at mid-day When Call centre contacted there was no option to schedule delivery. And when they leave the article at the warehouse for me to pick up it defeats the purpose of having it delivered as I cannot fit it in my car. I guess it going back to the retailer and I will wait for a refund.

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    Package not delivered on expected date with reason stated: "The receiver is not listed in the building directory. We are attempting to update this information." The enterphone panel to my building has no directory, but clearly states to dial the suite number of the resident -- which is listed on the package. I also received no communication from UPS in regards to this, I had to reach out to them to resolve this... Does anyone know how to provide good service anymore?

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    The driver doesn't know how to use the GPS because every time, they sent the package back to the warehouse because the address is incorrect. Also, calling UPS is terrible as they seems to have no hands to pick up the phone. Or better yet, they are not working at all. UPS should never have existed at all.

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    The worse. Useless customer service. No help whatsoever!! I will never purchase items from a store/person that uses this service again

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    Terrible service. Tracking info isn't up to date, drivers don't leave delivery notices, or say they attempted delivery but didn't, staff at call centre are hopeless. UPS should not be in business as there are better competitors out there.

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    I sent a pkg out on Nov 1st - overnight delivery. Today is the 14th and it is still missing in transit. It arrived to the Richmond depot on Nov 1st and never left. Final destination - Medicine Hat, AB. Tracking is slow and no one has contacted me about this. :-(

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    Terrible customer service on phone. Also, when going to the access pick up point, they said my parcel had been returned to the Richmond Depot the day before as it was 8 days, & at 7 it goes back to them. A few days later I got a card in the mail stating "We are unable to complete delivery because: NOT IN ON 3RD ATTEMPT" I get a monthly delivery from the US for the last 5 years by UPS. Never once have they come 3 times!!. Once only, then it goes to an access point for me to pick up within 7 days

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    Awful customer service on the phone. Absolutely no help. Website is garbage too.

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    Garbage website, garbage service, garbage people, garbage company. I hope this horrible company goes out of business.

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    Attempted delivery twice, twice I was home and they failed to deliver and left a note. Calling them was no help at all, call center was was in India and agent was little better than a recorded message. What with the unusable postal service and even UPS lacking in competence, Canada is becoming intolerably difficult to get packages or mail in or out of.

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    They lost a $1,300+ package, and refuse to give me any of the insured value or customs costs. Incredibly frustrating experience, horrible out sourced customer service lines, and you cannot get in touch directly with the Richmond depot (which originally lost my package). Also willfully lied that my package was being delivered for several weeks before admitting it was lost. NEVER do business with them.

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