London Property Corp
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Ratings & Reviews - London Property Corp

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    Absolutely Disgusted

    Everything that could have gone wrong in my year of staying at this place has. The door wasn't installed properly, letting a draft in all the time. The windows are extremely leaky. There were no screens in the summer, and if there were, they had huge holes defeating the purpose of having screens at all. The furnace is leaking. The washer settings say hot, but the washer releases cold water. The lease agreements are not followed. Twenty four hour notice prior to entering the premises were not followed. Rude and loud men have entered our suite multiple times having very rude conversations about people inside the suite and how "princess-like" we are because we need a standard to be upheld. Advertising of ALL the different types of suites would have been helpful, considering some people are unaware of the fact that there are basement suites. Last pet peeve, THREE OF THE LIGHTS IN THE PARKING LOT HAVE GONE OUT. It is now month number 6 with no lights on half of the parking lot, making it very unsafe to walk at night. Lack of parking enforcement/ bars doesn't make it any safer of a place to live either. Also, rent is 575 with utilities, making it about 675 per month. Other than those MINOR (chuckle) issues, it's fine. Good luck when choosing this establishment to support.

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