Michael McCafferty Real Estate Consultant
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Meet the owner

Realtor Michael McCafferty knows the value of presentation when showing a home. His down-to-earth, professional, realty expertise is available to first-time buyers as well as those in the luxury home market, but his affinity for staging homes is his realtor’s trump card

“Price is number one, but presentation is right up there as a close second,” he says. “Ninety-five percent of buyers start shopping online, and you just have a couple of seconds to grab their attention otherwise, boom, they’re on to the next.”

In addition to doing a market analysis, Michael starts the home-sales process by conducting a staging analysis, meaning he will make suggestions as to how a seller can strongly improve their home's visual impression. This can include the placement of furniture and artwork and going so far as to hire a pro photographer for the listing images.

“I’ve taken on condo listings with no furniture. I’ll put some furniture in and create that visual. Whether it’s online or if someone walks in, the buyer buys on emotion. They walk into a staged property and say, ‘I’ve got the same size sofa. It will fit. I can see myself having guests in this room.’”

Michael’s talent for staging a property reflects itself in a winning sales record, return clients and many referrals.

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