Popeye's Supplements
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    I'm a 'curvy' wom...

    I'm a 'curvy' woman. I workout very hard 6 days a week and follow a strict regime . I've cone a long way. Don't judge a book by the cover.... I Went in the store & asked for help. The 2 male clerks working couldn't be bothered to help me. They didnt even greet me. They knew nothing about the product when one finally attempted to help me after me asking 3 times... They were chatting behind the counter. Then a thin, pretty 20something, walks in the door and both guys were all over helping her & couldn't give her enough service. After she had paid & left, I still needed help, I asked about another product. The boys couldn't be bothered to even find it for me or talk to me about it. I paid for my product. When I asked about emailing list it seemed to beca if inconvienience for the clerk to input my info. I will not be returning again.,. I have worked very hard to get to a point where I feel good about my fitness level and my changing body. This was a real set back. I felt dehumanized. I came to Popeyes bc they advertise their friendly, knowledgeable staff. Apparently they only offer those services to thin women, there should be asign on the door indicating bigger girls not welcome

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