Tao of Peace

Products and Services

  • Martial Arts,
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Meet the owner

Tao of Peace is a dojo, or a training place for martial arts. It specializes in multidisciplinary styles such as Hapkido and Budo Ryu Kempo, and incorporates other styles that facilitate realistic self-defence. The true focus of the dojo is “for every person to feel respected, loved and to be a contributing member of their community,” says Chris Leigh-Smith, owner of Tao of Peace. “This is a place that serves families,” stresses Chris. “The focus of the studio is to teach life skills and self-empowerment to the students using martial arts as a vehicle to develop these teachings.”

Every student is unique, and Tao of Peace recognizes the differing skills, strengths and weaknesses of each person as valuable to the learning experience in the dojo. “We would like to see each student grow in self-respect, self-discipline and manners,” Chris explains, “while also having the benefits of physical fitness and camaraderie.” Students are able to achieve this personal growth through martial arts, which Tao of Peace upholds is a means to inner peace and harmony.

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