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Products and Services

  • Environmentally Friendly And Ethical Products,
  • Foods,

Languages Spoken

  • English,
Useful Information

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Methods of Payment:

  • Direct Debit
  • Personal Account

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Appears in 5 Smart Lists

Editor’s Pick
Businesses with a long history in Edmonton

Businesses with a long history in Edmonton

This grocery store is more that just a place to pick up everyday items, it’s a team of experts with a wealth of knowledge about green lifestyles and organic products. They have been in Edmonton since 1991, and now have two locations – one in the heart of Whyte Avenue, the other in the downtown core. With their experience and success in their niche, this is the place to go for all things earth-friendly!

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Where to find natural cleaning products in Edmonton

Where to find natural cleaning products in Edmonton

With a name like Earth’s General Store, one would expect to find a wide range of cleaning products here, and the store doesn’t disappoint. Here, you’ll find natural dishwashing liquids by Nature Clean and Bio-Vert, a variety of all-purpose cleaners, soap nuts for doing laundry au naturel and a complete line of Seventh Generation cleaning products. You can also find Envirologic tissue products made of 100 per cent recycled fibres so you can wipe and clean guilt-free.

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Energize yourself with kombucha teas from Edmonton shops

Energize yourself with kombucha teas from Edmonton shops

They carry a plethora of fermented teas – what else would you expect from a place called Earth’s General Store? Wander their aisles and you’ll find kombucha from multiple brands, such as KeVita, Rise, Bucha, GT’s Kombucha (including the Synergy line from GT’s) and Brew Dr, which comes in flavours such as citrus hops, lemon ginger cayenne, superberry, spiced apple and white rose. If you can’t decide, try Brew Dr.’s Love kombucha, which contains a mix of jasmine green tea and organic lavender.

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