Legislative Assembly Office
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Editor’s Pick
Outdoor attractions in Edmonton worth visiting

Outdoor attractions in Edmonton worth visiting

The home of our provincial government is right here in Edmonton, and its house is beautiful. The buildings are lovely to look at, and there’s a great fountain to splash around in during the summer months. I remember taking plenty of photos on the steps of these beautiful grounds and in front of these monumental buildings when I was a teenager. In winter, the trees on the grounds are lit up with lights and it is truly magical.

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Family Day weekend activities in Edmonton

Family Day weekend activities in Edmonton

This year’s Family Day celebration at the Alberta Legislature will take place inside, on Monday, February 15, from 11 a.m. till 4 p.m. There will be live musical entertainment, as well as a chance to build a Lego replica of the Legislature Building. Rocky the Ram, the legislature’s official mascot, will be there to take photos with kids. Partake in the Lost in the Legislature history hunt to learn more about the building or check out the Legislative Assembly Visitor Centre, which includes an interpretive centre, a gift shop and the Borealis Gallery.

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