Old Strathcona Farmers Market
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Appears in 4 Smart Lists

Editor’s Pick
Coffee and Pokémon Go: Lapras and lattes in Edmonton

Coffee and Pokémon Go: Lapras and lattes in Edmonton

Looking for a Saturday Pokémon Go spot? Look no further than the Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market. Weekend coffee ritual? Check. Grocery shopping? Check. Play Pokémon Go at nearby King Edward Park? Check. That’s a win, win, win!

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Freshest farmers’ markets in Edmonton

Freshest farmers’ markets in Edmonton

This year-round, indoor farmers’ market is older than I am. It’s grown from about 10 stalls in 1983 to more than 130 vendors in its current state. For many Edmontonians, Saturday morning means an early breakfast and shopping at the Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market. Must-visit stalls include Happy Camel (best hummus in the world!) and Theos Greek Kouzina (their melitzano salata is the greatest eggplant dip you’ll ever eat).

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Wheelchair accessible restaurants in Edmonton

Wheelchair accessible restaurants in Edmonton

This farmers’ market operates on Saturdays year-round and is located just north of Whyte Avenue. Bring friends and family and shop local produce, meat, cheese, baking, artisanal crafts and much more. Check out http://osfm.ca/what-is-in-season to find out which seasonal products will be available each month and to plan your shopping list. Or, sit and enjoy a snack and coffee at Toast Kitchen, located inside the market.

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