Quantum Comics & Collectibles
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Meet the owner

Bodhi Morningway worked for Wizard’s Comics and Collectibles’ Mill Woods location for a little more than three years when he first had the idea of buying into the franchise for which he worked. But, instead of letting Bodhi buy into the Wizard’s franchise, the then-owner sold the location to Bodhi to use for his own business. “In the end, it actually worked better for me,” says Bodhi. “I saved a lot of money opening my own shop and got to do a lot more with it.”

In 2010, Quantum Comics and Collectibles officially opened its doors. Bodhi explains that he’s been able to run Quantum Comics and Collectibles his own way and add something more to the Mill Woods neighbourhood location. “A lot of the big box stores around here could sell everything I sell and sell it cheaper too,” says Bodhi. “People come here because they want that personal experience, they want to be able to talk to someone about these things.”

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