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Best restaurant in town!

Atmosphere: 5/5
Food: 5/5
Service: 5/5
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Birthday dinner was a success. The road trip is 6 savoury courses & dessert for $87. Great quality & value. Oysters, pork belly, rock fish, goose ragu, raspberry sorbet, beef cheeks in divine jus on creamy potatoes. A treat of black garlic icecream & pear galette with honey mead sabayon. Waiter was fabulous, knowledgeable & unassuming. Food was delicious. Loved it, absolutely loved it!

Atmosphere: 5/5
Food: 5/5
Service: 5/5
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Terrible experience for the cost of this place

Atmosphere: 1/5
Food: 1/5
Service: 1/5
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I have been to Range Road many times and have generally had a good experience. Tonight was surprising. My food was lukewarm. I ordered fish and was given a serrated steak knife. Quite a rookie mistake for such a top rated restaurant. I did ask for a fish knife and was given a standard table knife. Hmmm...

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Appears in 22 Smart Lists

Editor’s Pick
Establishments in Edmonton embracing farm to table

Establishments in Edmonton embracing farm to table

Chef Blair Lebsack spent several years hosting outdoor dinners at actual farms prior to opening RGE RD, so it makes sense that his restaurant embraces the whole farm-to-fork philosophy. Lebsack still hosts the occasional farm dinner in the summer to show guests where their food comes from, and to build appreciation for the farmers. At the restaurant, the dishes change seasonally, depending on what is available. They source poultry from Four Whistle Farms, pork from Nature’s Green Acres and bison from Pilatus Farms.

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Edmonton restaurants serving exotic meats and unique dishes

Edmonton restaurants serving exotic meats and unique dishes

RGE RD is a restaurant that serves unique options, including the bison sausage served with Saskatoon berry relish. The owners also serve meals on farms, which may sometimes include interesting meats, including bison. In the past, the restaurant hosted a wild game night where they served white tailed deer.

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Edmonton restaurants with delicious duck dishes

Edmonton restaurants with delicious duck dishes

Frequently voted as Edmonton’s best restaurant, RGE RD sources their meats locally and always preparing superior food in interesting and delicious ways. Try their infamous duck dish: Four Whistle Farms Duck Breast paired with savoury potato gnocchi, a black garlic puree, salt roasted beets and grilled cabbage leaves.

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