Tien Lung Taekwon-Do School
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    Worst business pr...

    Worst business practices ever! Signed up for Daily Dragon program in Grande Prairie. No option for the longer term memberships that have a cancellation option. No longer need daycare (hours decreased to avoid layoffs) or can afford daycare as wages went down more than daycare fees which are not cheap! 2 kids in Daily dragons is $880. They refused to allow me to put on hold or change to evenings. Now threatening to go to collections even though making some payments, just only what I can.

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    Policies are horr...

    Policies are horrendous reminds me of cell phone companies and how they used to act

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    A comprehensive place for martial arts study.

    The quality of the north side instructors is top-tier, with world class champions and competitors taking time to teach every student as best they can. Several times I have struggled with some aspect or another in class and asked for a better explanation. Not once has my question gone unanswered or left unclear, many times I've learned a great deal as to why we do something as well as the technical aspects of how to do it. I will sometimes however find myself struggling to fit class into my schedule and would enjoy more classes available through-out the week. This isn't a major concern since often times you are able to train between classes on your own or even with instruction. Lastly not only do I feel properly trained to defend myself but have met very many people that have become long-lasting friends outside of the martial art.

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    Poor Instruction/Poor Attitude

    My children were part of this organization, and I pulled them out for several reasons, but mainly because I personally witnessed the main instructor/founder's teaching methods very poor. This is in regards due to his speech in front of students (of varying ages from 6 to adult), as well as in front of parents in the viewing area, where he called students who performed poorly, "idiots". What is even more disappointing is he has the children trained to answer him when he says "...and anyone who does not know their stuff is...." and the children yell out "STUPID" or "AN IDIOT". This incidence has happened on more than one occasion. I do not know many well run organizations that teach children that name calling is alright in any instance. The instructors teach their students not to bully, but isn't this teaching method a bullying form in itself?

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