Dirty, overcrowded, can’t be legal place. I phoned and they said open until 8. Came at 5:30 they closed at 6. So I paid 30 for 30 minutes. Go anywhere else
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Dirty, overcrowded, can’t be legal place. I phoned and they said open until 8. Came at 5:30 they closed at 6. So I paid 30 for 30 minutes. Go anywhere else
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Open seven days a week, this play place includes a trampoline park and an indoor playground. There’s slides, obstacle courses, soft toys for learning and playing, and more. Parents can join their kids in the trampoline park, which has a giant foam pit for jumping in, plus basketball hoops. You can even start a game of dodgeball once you get tired of jumping around. Birthday parties can take place in the indoor playground, the trampoline park or both. Plus, the four party rooms have themes: tiki island, tropical island, sandcastle and blue lagoon.
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