Bridge Pet Hospital
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    ( DEAD CAT )Took in 1.5 year old cat for routine spay March 21 2020 at 10;00.. at 12;30 vet called and said my cat was DEAD.He gave her anesthesia and it did not work so he gave her more and her heart stopped.He tried to revive but FAILED. He had no assistant ,,his wife and 3 year old daughter were there but NOT dressed to assist. Just Distraction.Vet admitted he left my cat alone for a time and when he arrived she was in trouble.PLEASE DO NOT TAKE YOUR PETS HERE .WORST VET I HAVE EVER BEEN TO.

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    We brought our cat in with a ruptured abscess on her tail. He told us he would sedate her to shave her tail and clean it up.. when we got there her tail was stitched up(didnt have consent) and it was horribly stitched up. On top of that, abscesses are never supposed to be stitched closed, if there is still pus you are supposed to get a drain put in for 3-5 days until the infection drains out. HORRIBLE vet.

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    This vet clinic is very very good. My coco was spayed. She has minimal scaring. The vet was outstanding very professional and reasonably priced. So thankful for this family operating this business. The price and quality of service is hands down the best in town

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    I am giving bridge pet hospital a very poor review..... I found a stray cat and called this vet to ask about this lump on the cats ear, the vet explained what he thought it might be ..Aural hematoma... Which would heal itself, when I called back to let him know the cat popped it, I asked if I should just keep it clean, the vet actually got mad at me, said he needed medical attention and told me not to call again then hung up on me.. VERY UNPROFESSIONAL... I WILL NEVER GO THAT ANIMAL CLINIC

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    Poor knowledge of...

    Poor knowledge of vaccination and deworming protocol, which I would think are some of the most basic/common issues a small animal clinic would see on a regular basis! Also missed a heart murmer in my dog. Would recommend saving your money or going somewhere else..

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    honestly love all...

    honestly love all the doctors here. have earned my respect because of the compassion shown during check ups and emergencies when I needed it the most! I've never had an negative experience. Will definitely be my go to vet in any situation.

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    My cat had her sh...

    My cat had her shots here, was spade here, and was falsly diagnosed with dental disease here. The vet was very unproffessional and handled my cat poorley. She screamed with discomfort at every moved he made. I know that it wasnt just my finicky cat now that i have seen her handled by a different vet. She can be very easy going when handled correctly. The vet there always found something "wrong" with her and sent me home with medications i foud were totally unecessary. They upsale you here and are not caring for you and your pet, and very unproffessional. I would recomend against this place very strongly!

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    Business Reply May 19, 2015

    Thank you for your feed back, there is always room for improvement, pets do not behave the same when they are in pain. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any question and concern you have , we have three vets on board at BPH. thank you.

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