Hebert's Motor Sports & Electronics

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  • all-terrain vehicles,
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Ratings & Reviews - Hebert's Motor Sports & Electronics

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    Very disappointed...

    Very disappointed with the service I received. I had purchased a phone from this Telus vendor and decided that I did not like the phone so wanted to return it (as per Telus return policy). I called earlier in the day and asked when the business was open until. I was told 6pm. I then asked what time the Telus booth was open until. I was again told 6pm. And was not told anything else. I proceeded to drive the 50km after work to arrive at 5:30pm to ensure time to return the phone. I had no other reason to drive into High Prairie. Upon arriving there was another customer at the booth. I waited and at 5:47pm was told that I would not be helped because it was too late. I asked to speak with the owner. I went to find him and explained the situation. He would not help. I asked if I would be compensated for my time and gas as I had called ahead and was not told that I had to be there at a specific time to be served. He said he would not be doing anything. I told him sarcastically it was a great business that he's running as I walked out. He called after me "thanks have a nice day." I am disgusted with how it was handled. I am disgusted with everyone's attitudes. I would not recommend visiting this store.

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