360 Fitness
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Meet the owner

Rich Hill, the general manager of 360 Fitness, strives to make his clients feel welcome and comfortable while they work out. He is dedicated to the process of getting healthy through diet and exercise. “What makes me passionate about fitness is the health side of things," he explains. "I love seeing people progress, hitting new goals and doing things they never thought possible.”

Rich came to Sherwood Park from another 360 Fitness location. “I had worked there previously for three years as a personal trainer. They gave me the opportunity to become the general manager of a new location, so the biggest obstacle was packing up my life. I didn’t really know a lot of people.” Since starting over in Sherwood Park, Rich has been embraced by the community. The transition of picking up his life and moving somewhere new was eased by the kindness of the area's people and the strength of the community. “It’s fantastic. It’s a wonderful community," says Rich. "It’s very tight-knit. It’s always kind of hard to get to know people, but once you do, there’s some really extraordinary people in this community. ”

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