Noah's Ark Preschool
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Meet the owner

Since 1970, preschool children in St. Albert and surrounding areas have had a place to discover, learn and grow intellectually and emotionally in the spacious, friendly atmosphere of Noah’s Ark Preschool. “We have always provided a good faith-based educational program for children,” says teacher Shelley Osness. “It’s focused on play, but with the learning aspect that children need to prepare them for kindergarten.”

The non-profit preschool enables children to learn how to interact in a group outside of their home, including developing fundamental skills like taking turns and being honest. They try to dispel fears children might have about leaving their family for the first time. “We are preparing children for school,” says Shelley. “They do have an hour of free play time, but it is directed free play time.”

Children learn songs, make crafts and do activities centred on the theme of the week. A typical day at Noah's Ark Preschool includes Centre Time (children rotate through activity stations), Circle Time (discussions and singing), Snack Time (nutritional, nut-free snacks), Active Play Time (large muscle activities) and Story Time (theme-related stories). Children also experience the world through field trips.

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