Burnaby Neighbourhood House Society

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  • Community Program Information Service,
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Meet the owner

Starting out as a five-member committee of volunteers, Burnaby Neighbourhood House (BNH) has grown into a thriving community non-profit organization of 70 paid staff and 400 volunteers working to build stronger communities through a wide variety of services and programs. “In 1996, five local community members, who recognized the need for a Neighbourhood House in Burnaby, each pitched in $5.00 to apply for society status,” explains Sara, program director of BNH. “For the first year, we didn’t even have a physical location, but we started out with community dinners.”

Sara became involved with the organization in its early days, initially as an intern during her practicum year at college. “During my internship, I really fell in love with this place," says Sara, "so I decided to stay because I really believe in the work that we are doing in the community. It’s been great to be able to see the organization grow and blossom, and be a part of that growth."

A community service movement that began in the 1880s in England to address the needs of newcomers to the cities, the mission of the Neighbourhood House is to develop community capacity and connect people with each other in order to make the neighbourhood a stronger place.

“The most rewarding part of this job is seeing people get empowered," says Sara. "Helping people understand what they have to offer and connect them to opportunities in the community where they can give back, the whole process is very inspirational and heartwarming,”

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