Bluebird Daycare Centre
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Meet the owner

Are you looking to prepare your child for school through a play-based, social daycare? If so, Bluebird Daycare Centre is the perfect facility for your needs. Founded in 2004 by Puran Bagheri, Bluebird Daycare Centre is the culmination of Puran’s experience in education. 

“I’ve had a great deal of training and schooling regarding education,” she explains. “Through all of the different approaches to education that I have studied and implemented, I’ve created a program that combines the best things about play-based learning to create a social atmosphere for children.”

In Puran’s experience, a daycare with a positive, fun atmosphere produces much better results than one that is more strict and structured. “I’ve found that children learn best when they are engaged in what we are doing—when they are having fun,” she says. “Especially when children like their teachers, they are inspired to work harder and reach their goals. It’s a great system that has seen a lot of success for our young students.”

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