Newport Property Management
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    Jeanie Kimmel

    Horrible. Rented for 3 years, could NEVER get a hold of property manager, Chris. Not for maintenance issues, or roommates I had coming in. Then they throw me out claiming I had “illegal occupants” and called me a liar. Run in the other direction. This company is a joke.

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    They don't conduct themselves anything like their puffed up statements on their website. Probably because I'm not in one the expensive buildings. Reception woman very rude and disrespectful and so is the man that comes to the building. I have only met one normal and lovely woman, where are they hiding her? :)

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    Newport just took over managing my building. What a terrible experience. Their after hours emergency contact is rude and sarcastic. Stating that unless someone is dying, it's not an emergency. My detector was working until Cantec came in to service the alarm. That night at 2:00 AM it started going off every 30 seconds. The so called emergency contact was unsympathetic and not helpful at all. So I was up all night. This would not have happened with the previous on site building manager.

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    Realy friendly cp...

    Realy friendly cpeople. always polite, fast to adress any concerns we had. always fast to come fix stuff that needed fixing in our rental appartment. no Issues at all. Great, professional company!

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    I would rate lower if I could

    Worst rental company I have dealt with. I do not recommend ever entering in a fixed term lease with this company. While their contracts are technically "legal" within the tenancy act (believe me, I checked), they do not have a shred of decency and courtesy to the rights of the tenant and they use every loop hole and dirty angle to their advantage. For example, they will not give you 3 months notice for a yearly rent increase because your "fixed term tenancy" will simply terminate and stipulate that you move out at the end (so your rights are void!?). Of course though, they will offer you a new agreement and want you to not move out, but don't expect to be going month to month. They can also increase your rent by however much they choose since you will be start a "new" tenancy. They will also force you to decide if you are moving out at the end of the agreement 8 months in advance because they want 6 weeks to market your suite. I had numerous viewings, 7, 6, 5 and 4 weeks in advance, which must have been great for their needs but really inconsiderate of mine. Furthermore, they showed up early for a number of these viewings when I was not ready and they showed up for one entirely unscheduled. They are incredibly disorganized. After complaining about this I had little progress with them, and when they ultimately rented out the unit they didn't bother to call and let me know there would be no more viewings even though they said they would. They are forcing me out on the 31st at 1:00pm, so I will be finding a place to sleep and keep all of my stuff for a night before I can get into my new place, and they won't let me rent a carpet shampooer so that I can clean my own carpets - I'm forced to pay for the professionals. READ YOUR CONTRACTS PEOPLE. Liking the place is not good enough, don't get stuck with this kind of mess.

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    I was speechless

    I couldn't believe how inconsiderate they were. The people who showed the properties were fantastic, but the application process was slow and awful. I was left for weeks not knowing if I qualified for a home, and the processing staff was consistently rude. Another rental agency showed and rented me a suite, and it wasn't until two weeks later that Newport contacted me offering me their listing. I of course declined. I have dealt with several landlords and a few rental agencies, and I have never had a problem, but dealing with Newport was a horrible experience, and I would not consider dealing with them again. I am amazed that a reputable company can function in such a manner.

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