Jet-Lag Travel Fashion Boutique

Products and Services

  • Women's Apparel,
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Meet the owner

Whether you’re looking for the perfect outfit for a special occasion, or just some new items to update your wardrobe, Jet-Lag Travel Fashion Boutique has you covered. With an abundance of hard-to-find Canadian brands, it caters to people looking for uniquely Canadian-made quality clothing items. “About 80% of our clothing is from Canadian brands,” explains Vicki, the owner. “We have a strong belief in strengthening our own community and this is one way to do that.”

Started in 1980, Jet-Lag Travel Fashion Boutique has been a staple women’s clothing store in the Richmond area for decades. Bought by current owner Vicki in 2005, the business continues to focus on serving women in the community, both in terms of fashion and opportunity.

“I have a passion for helping people,” says Vicki. “Whether that means connecting them with fellow ladies to travel with, getting them involved in our exercise classes, or finding the perfect outfit, that’s what Jet-Lag Boutique is all about.”

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Editor’s Pick
Fashion-forward clothing boutiques in Steveston Village

Fashion-forward clothing boutiques in Steveston Village

Jet-Lag is a goldmine for travel and everyday wear for the 40 + demographic. An excellent range of Canadian made and designed clothing leaves customers feeling good about supporting our economy. Joseph Ribkoff, French Dressing Jeans, EZZE Wear and Vancouver-based Neon Buddha are some of the shop’s popular lines. Bonus: While clothes shopping, do double duty and pick up a few practical travel accessories (think travel scale, neck pillows etc.) for an upcoming vacation.

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