Netwerk Productions Ltd
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Meet the owner

Robyn Hardy (aka Bobs) and Lorraine Pond (aka LoLo) met at Girl Guide camp in elementary school and they've been firm friends ever since. In high school, they started singing together in an a cappella group. “We were Glee before Glee was cool,” laughs Lorraine. But it wasn't until they graduated from university and were both building careers in their respective, non-musical fields, that Bobs & LoLo, the popular Canadian kids' musical duo, was born.

“I had just finished my teaching degree and Lorraine was doing interpretive programs at the Vancouver Aquarium and they'd asked her to develop some preschool programs,” explains Robyn. “We started talking about music as a form of teaching and said, 'Let's write some songs.' So we wrote See a Sea Lion, which was a hit on our first album. We wrote some more songs and then volunteered to sing at an event at the Aquarium and that's how it all started.”

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