Interactivity Board Game Cafe

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  • kites,
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Appears in 2 Smart Lists

Editor’s Pick
Satisfy your sweet tooth with Victoria’s best hot chocolate

Satisfy your sweet tooth with Victoria’s best hot chocolate

What could be better than a delicious cup of hot chocolate? How about a delicious cup of hot chocolate enjoyed with friends over a board game. Interactivity is Victoria’s first and only board game cafe. They have thousands of games to choose from, ranging from the silly to the intense, and welcome anyone who wants to try their hand at a game, all for only a five dollar cover fee. Hot chocolates here come in traditional or spiced flavours.

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Check out the milkshakes at these Victoria eateries

Check out the milkshakes at these Victoria eateries

Board games and milkshakes may sound like strange bedfellows, but they're the perfect match at this popular cafe. In addition to the hundreds of games available to play in-store or purchase, this cafe also makes its own ice cream, fresh daily, to create some of the city's most beloved milkshakes. You can go for the classics or try something new, a London Fog, Chai, or Salted Caramel, perhaps? Shakes are $5 each and it’s $5 to stay and play board games as long as you like ... that's a lot of value for just $10.

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