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Appears in 3 Smart Lists

Editor’s Pick
Vancouver’s best weekday breakfast joints

Vancouver’s best weekday breakfast joints

Opened in 1943 and marked by its distinctive neon sign, the Ovaltine Cafe is one of the cornerstones of the Downtown Eastside. The iconic diner has changed hands over the years, but it’s remained a place for locals to get an affordable meal throughout the week. Even the gritty decor hasn’t changed much. The classic breakfast — two eggs, home fries, toast, and your choice of bacon, sausage, ham or grilled tomato — is a steal at just $5.99.

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8 must-try historic restaurants in Vancouver

8 must-try historic restaurants in Vancouver

Ovaltine’s pink neon lights have shone since the café first opened in 1943. Easily one of Vancouver’s oldest restaurants, the interior has seen many upgrades, but the kitchen remains true to the original: unfussy American diner dishes are delicious and affordable here. For example, a cheeseburger – with a handmade patty – can be paired with fries and a milkshake for less than $10 each. Now that’s a deal that’ll go down in history!

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Best bets for a cheap lunch in Chinatown

Best bets for a cheap lunch in Chinatown

One of Vancouver’s oldest restaurants, Ovaltine has been serving up affordable Canadian fare since 1943. Today, the now-restored café’s unbeatable cheeseburger – featuring a handmade patty – and clubhouse sandwich can still be washed down with fries and a milkshake for less than $10 each. Located on East Hastings just past Main, this retro café is well worth the short trek from Gastown at lunchtime.

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