V & A Custom Framing
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Meet the owner

“I frame every piece as if it was going to be hanging in my house,” says Anita Bruton. Anita has been running V & A Custom Framing since 1996, and has framed everything from precious, limited-edition prints to police paraphernalia, bank notes and needlework. Anita brings her years of experience to each new job and has one aim: to provide the highest-quality framing within each client’s budget. “What I love is when a customer comes in and sees the picture first and not the frame,” she says. “The frame is there to enhance the picture, otherwise I haven’t done my job.”

Over the years, Anita has built up access to the best glasses, mattes, frames and mouldings in order to provide customers with a good selection of materials. Although the work is highly technical, the reason Anita enjoys it is simple: “I get to play with colours and I love that,” she says.

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