Wenlight Ltd
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Meet the owner

There's little margin for error in real-estate management. Lighting services for residential apartment buildings and condos, for example, is a part of real-estate management in which you have to get service right the first time – or at least have expert back up to effectively remedy any errors.

Wenlight Ltd is a lighting consultancy with decades of experience in the business and a dedication to keeping up with changes in pertinent legislation. “My desk is always piled high with papers I need to get through which will keep me up to speed on any new regulations or stipulations coming in,” owner Wendy McDougall says.

Wendy also conducts seminars for the lighting trade body she is affiliated with, so nothing slips past her. And, as part of an international LinkedIn network on LED, the low-power use, long-lasting lighting, Wendy gets the advantage of international input and experience. “This keeps me on top of valuable information from professionals from all over the globe,” Wendy explains. She also adds that “in Canada, red tape associated with LED lighting changes by the week.”

Experience pays; Wendy has been in the lighting sector since 1974 when she started out with Northern Electric and has run Wenlight since 2001.

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