Double Barrel Studios
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Meet the owner

A camera operator adjusts his shoulder-mount equipment while the sound recordist lifts the overhead microphone, leaning into the white screen staging space of Double Barrel Studios, Lee Hillman and Roz Mugford's branded content entertainment agency. Founded in December 2011, the two met over their shared love of documentaries when Lee, a freelance social justice filmmaker producing content for McMaster University asked Roz, an experienced CBC columnist and digital producer, to collaborate with him.

Wanting to revolutionize the enduringly staid corporate video style popularized in the 1970s, the duo infuse narrative soul and imaginative daring into their "outlaw corporate videos" ― mini-documentary style pieces that have a self-described "cinematic feel."

This sense of collaboration and the cinematic is expressed perfectly in the agency's name, as it refers to the multi-perspective feel of two collaborators peering through their cameras' sights as they bring a client's vision to fruition.

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