SV Arpas Couturier
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Meet the owner

In the world of clothing design, you can’t get much more intricate than making outfits for The Bolshoi Theatre in Russia. This attention to detail, care and perfectionism can be sensed as soon as you walk through the door at SV Arpas Couturier. From the comfortable layout of the atelier to the three-way mirrors for optimal viewing, you know that you are in the hands of a professional with designer Svetlana Arpas.

Attention to detail is key to Svetlana’s work. Be it business attire or an evening gown, that little bit of sparkle or swatch of leather turns your outfit into a piece of clothing you will treasure for years — and customers often do. “Sometimes a customer will be wearing a dress and she’ll tell me that I made it for her years ago. It’s wonderful to see a customer still getting good wear out of something I made,” says Svetlana.

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