Fashion Nails
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  • Fashion Nails - Photo Photo: YP user
  • Fashion Nails - Photo Photo: YP user
  • Fashion Nails - Photo Photo: YP user
  • Fashion Nails - Photo Photo: YP user
  • Fashion Nails - Photo Photo: YP user
  • Fashion Nails - Photo Photo: YP user
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    People nice and carry

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    i have been a loyal customer at fashion nails for about 10 years. They treat me very well, and always make me feel welcome and special. I get compliments on my nails all the time. When something isn't right with a nail, they fix it immediately at no charge. The massage chairs are new and absolutely wonderful. Their prices are reasonable and competitive. I like everyone there, but my favorites are Tony and Lee.

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    I do find the staff are very unprofessional and the way people are greeted is very cold unless they know you well and are a repeat customer. They need to be more verbal in telling you to move your hands or feet where they need to be. I do have a good conversation and interaction with the staff and other clients. But I am in and out timing is important as well as the work being done.

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    Customer Service

    I love "Q" who does a fantastic job on my powder gel nails and I have had good experiences with pedicures as well. However, I have recommended this place to others, but before I do I tell them...if you are looking for good customer service...don't go there!..Sometimes people aren't even greeted when they come in. The one male that is there frequently is almost surly, with a frown and it seems like the customers are disturbing him from watching the tv. When it is time to go to the sink, they use hand signals to send you there. The staff constantly banter back and forth with each other in their own language which is rude when it is done all of the time. When you call for an appt they ask you what time you want and then often say no you can't have that then it would be better for them to say.."I can give you this time or that time" . Sometimes you make an appt and then when you come, a walk in has come and now you have to wait. This is frustrating. If it wasn't for the great job "Q" does and the rapport we have built up, it is certainly not a welcoming place to be. To maintain your customers the staff should get some training on how to deal with the public.

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    You get what you pay for

    I would NOT recommend this business. Very unfriendly staff, they do speak to you, just grunt and tap your feet to let you know when to move them in or out of water bath. To make matters worse, they had TV's playing a violent movie with lots of profanities and to my horror a scene where a woman is being abused. Next time I'll go back to my regular spa and be happy to pay the higher price.

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