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Meet the owner

“I learned to give back to the community from my dad,” says owner of Atomic Age Comics, Gene Lee. “We never had a lot, but he always did what he could to help people. I try to do the same through the store.”

This philanthropic pledge can be found in the range of of activities Gene offers at his store. He auctions off comics for local schools and routinely drops off extras at the local kids’ clinic. Community is important to Gene; he not only works in the area, he and his wife Adrienne and their two children live here as well. “There are comic book stores with an emphasis on collecting and mine focuses more on readers,” Gene explains. "I do get costumers who collect, but we don't push the collectable aspect of an item. We try to keep prices fair and customers happy."

You can pick up all the latest big name comics from the US plus graphic novels and collectible cards at Atomic Age. Gene is always adding to the kids' section as well, bringing in toys to complement comics already stocked. If there’s something you want that isn’t stocked at Atomic Age, Gene will search for it online and only charge you what he gets charged if you want him to bring it in.

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