Bumbleberry Kids
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Meet the owner

“Much of what we have in our store reflects our taste rather than current fashion trends,” says Anna Barron, co-owner of children's clothing boutique Bumbleberry Kids (alongside fellow owner Megan Croteau). The new and used clothing store has developed a very distinct character since Anna and Megan took over from the previous owner in 2010, the two women pioneering an aesthetic all their own. In Anna's own words, “We describe our style as European rather than North American."

Geared towards infants to 12-year-olds, the store sells clothing, dance wear, accessories, furnishings, toys, books, puzzles, cloth diapers and maternity wear, plus a range of new infant gear including amber teething necklaces. There is also a wide selection of clothing for special occasions (or dress up). “We try to cover the major occasions that occur in a child’s life,” says Anna.

One of Megan and Anna’s aims at Bumbleberry Kids is to have a high turnover of stock, ensuring there is always something new in store. Anna explains that the owners usually opt for clothing with a clean look that's fun but not flashy.

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