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Meet the owner

If you happened to examine a photograph of the Bloor West Village in 1960, then took a good look at another of the same area today, most likely little would be the same. The stores would have changed hands countless times and there may have been a facelift or two on the buildings. However, one sign would stand out in both shots; Cinelli Hair. “My dad started his hair salon in 1959 and we’re still in the same spot,” says owner Peter Cinelli.

Peter used to help out on the weekend, but didn’t think of going into the hair industry until the end of high school. He trained in Yorkville, where top salons were clustered, then on to North York. “In 1988 my dad was thinking of selling so I jumped in and took over,” says Peter. While he has upheld his father’s high standards, he does do one thing differently; his dad focused purely on ladies’ hair while Peter has a large number of male clients too. Today, Peter’s son also works at the salon, making it a three-generation family affair.

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