When you hire someone to help with marketing plans, strategies and initiatives, you really want someone who has been in your shoes. Meaning, you want someone who has dealt with real-world business issues and understands the difficulty in outsourcing marketing work to others.Meet Laurel Cavalluzzo, the owner and founder of MMC. Laurel's marketing experience spans 20 years from the likes of Mobil Oil Corporation, ExxonMobil, Speedpass Network (a venture of ExxonMobil) and NationsBank (now Bank of America), where she served in high-level management roles. She has been on the side of evaluating and hiring marketing agencies and consultants (and understands the difficulty in those tasks).She also brings a strong educational background, as she holds an MBA degree in Marketing and Strategy from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and an undergraduate marketing degree from Georgetown University.When Laurel formed Madison Marketing Communications in 2005, she had several over-arching goals:Find the best communications solutions for each clientEnsure that clients have an understanding of emerging and developing marketing tools available - and not just a basic knowledge of themEnable clients to tap into her expertise for big projects, small projects, and all those in-betweenTreat clients fairly and with integrity, and in way she would like and expect to be treatedBut all this great background doesn't account for much if the results aren't theremore...See more text