Northern Cryo
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Meet the owner

Andrew Robertson's first passion was basketball. Having grown up playing and watching it, his life's dream was to one day be on the court with the greats. One basketball season in particular would change Andrew's life and career forever.

In 2011, the Dallas Mavericks won the NBA championship over the favoured Miami Heat. The upset was partially due to the average age of the Mavericks — 35, which was considered 'over-the-hill' by elite athletic standards. "I read this article in ESPN stating that cryo-therapy was the secret to the Maverick's success," recounts Andrew. "I found it fascinating that these players were claiming that cryo-therapy was their fountain of youth."

Little did Andrew know that this would be the spark of inspiration to start Northern Cryo, a business that would have him working not only with basketball stars, but with elite athletes from every major sports league.

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