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Meet the owner

Our Wellness is a white and bright space with wooden floors and walls lined with herb-filled glass jars and multi-coloured bottles of supplements, vitamins and tinctures. “We have different herbs that you can buy in bulk to make tea, and some are powders to add to a shake,” explains owner Tatjana Ristic-Avramov. “We have herbal extracts as well, different supplements, vitamins, minerals, some sports nutrition, some very good protein powders, weight loss products. And professional lines that are usually recommended by naturopaths.”

The products Tatjana stocks come from the world over — there are herbs from South America and vitamins and supplements from Canada and Europe. “People come in looking for some supplements to help them with different problems,” Tatjana explains, citing chronic ailments such as arthritis, inflammation and diabetes as some of the most common problems she sees. Customers also stop by Our Wellness in search of products to improve digestion and boost their energy levels.

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