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Meet the owner

When Parlour Salon founder Tyler Moore and his business partner Francis David decided to strike out in tandem on their own after working together for eight years, they wanted to do hair differently. “I think some people feel like stylists are doing them a favour by cutting their hair,” Tyler says, “and that’s what we wanted to change. We wanted to give people the best service possible, free of pretension and snobbery, that leaves them feeling, and looking, their best.”

Parlour Salon accomplishes this in a number of ways, each of which are designed to make their clients have fun and feel welcome. “All of our appointments are minimum an hour so people don’t feel rushed,” Tyler says of Parlour’s approach, “We start every session with a 15-minute consultation on what the person wants, what’s feasible, and what will look the best.”

While Tyler and his fellow stylists love keeping up on the latest trends and doing unique cuts for customers, they’d rather give each client something that fits their lifestyle and desires. “If someone wants something that we don’t think is a good idea, we’ll say so,” he says, “I think it builds trust between us and our customers, and that makes satisfied customers who want to come back.”

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    Editor’s Pick
    No more bad hair days with these Toronto hair stylists

    No more bad hair days with these Toronto hair stylists

    Tyler Moore and Franz David. When you need a cutting edge hairstyle, there’s a place in the city that’ll give you the look of your dreams. Tyler and Franz, both of whom wanted to offer Torontonians great cuts for reasonable prices, opened Parlour in 2009. They focus on using eco-friendly products, donate trimmed tresses to Matter of Trust and charge men and women equally. Plus, Adam Lambert is a fan – need we say more?

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