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Meet the owner

When John started to make soap for the simple purpose of having a product to suit his sensitive skin he didn’t know that one day he’d be running a company that would be listed as one of the city’s Top Ten cruelty-free cosmetic companies. That’s just what happened though ― and very quickly. “I made soap for my personal use then started to give it to friends and family as gifts. They loved it so I thought other people might as well and SUDSATORIUM was born in 2014.”

Now SUDSATORIUM makes over 30 unique soaps, along with a full range of body and haircare products for both men and women. Whether a shampoo or body lotion, they're all made from ethically sourced fresh, organic, vegan-friendly ingredients. SUDSATORIUM's philosophy is that for cosmetics to be truly 'vegan,' they should not only be free of animal-derived ingredients, but just as importantly, should never be tested on animals.

Above all, every single one of SUDSATORIUM’s ingredients is fair trade. “It’s simple," John says. "I want to give back to the global community.”

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