Scotiabank Theatre
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    Usually one of their escalators is out of service. This has gone on for many years. Recently their elevator was also not working. They do not have the proper handicapped entrance doors going in or out as mandated by the Ontario Disabilities Act. Very disrespectful of the disabled community.

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    Appears in 2 Smart Lists

    Editor’s Pick
    Indie cinemas and super theatres in Toronto

    Indie cinemas and super theatres in Toronto

    Sure, it's the most corporate and mainstream movie theatre in the city, but there's also no better, nor more iconic, place to see a summer blockbuster. Scotiabank Theatre makes event movies into a spectacle and a packed house often feels like a communal experience of a moment in time, rather than just a simple movie screening. Who among us hasn't had an enthusiastic post-film discussion in the theatre's huge upstairs lobby? The theatre has become so ubiquitous to current film culture that seeing its Rubik’s cube monument in the distance as you arrive is always comforting. Wheelchair Accessible: Yes

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    Father’s Day fun in Toronto for all kinds of dads

    Father’s Day fun in Toronto for all kinds of dads

    Movie-nerd Dad? Relive childhood memories 2.0-style by attending an IMAX screening of the newly released Jurassic World at this state-of-the-art Entertainment District cinema. Bonus, this low-stakes activity also applies to I-don’t-want-to-do-anything-for-Father’s-Day Dad as well as Scientist Dad, Survivalist Dad, and Sci-Fi-Geek Dad. Afterwards, chill the fear incited by the film’s biological apocalypse of our own making with a pint on a nearby patio and impassioned debate about the plausibility of the dinosaurs-in-our-midst plotline.

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