
Products and Services

  • Canvas Printing,
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Meet the owner

Dorland-Haight Art Gallery, known to locals simply as ‘The Gallery,’ has been a part of Milton’s cultural fabric for over 35 years. It’s been a productive partnership as husband/wife team Peter and Miriam Dorland-Haight have put their complementary skills and talents to work within the 2,000-square-foot gallery and production studio on Main Street.

“Miriam is the perfectionist,” says Peter admiringly, a trait that serves Dorland-Haight’s customers well since the award-winning production side of the gallery is her specialty. “Everything comes out absolutely perfect and we guarantee everything one hundred percent.”

Peter is the front man and relishes the role. After more than 35 years, he describes their venture not only as great fun but also as “a great challenge in simply staying alive!” It’s obviously not a business for the faint of heart, and heart is what the Dorland-Haights possess in abundance.

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