Replacing your natural teeth is more than trusting someone with your smile. Your appearance and your entire image is at stake. When you need a new set of dentures or repairs to your existing set, call Jennie Dignard, your Welland denturist. She can assist you with the design, construction, fitting and adjustment of a complete and removable partial denture, as well as over dentures on implants.
Constructing a dental prosthesis is an art that requires patience, attention to detail and experience. Jennie Dignard uses her experience to craft a set of dentures that is designed to fit perfectly in your mouth.
Why rely on a denturist? Denturists have the professional designation “DD” (Diploma in Denturism). The literal meaning on the word denturist is “One who makes Dentures.” Always remember that a beautiful smile is one that has been shaped to fit your mouth by a recognized, qualified denturist.
We offer emergency repairs 24/7, and free parking is available at our wheelchair accessible office in Welland. For more information, please contact us today to schedule an appointment.
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