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Meet the owner

Abraham Lara and his wife Ana-Luisa Soto make an array of handmade empanadas based on original recipes and the flavours of their native countries, Chile and Mexico. Empanada means “stuffed”; at Café Mesa Latina, the carefully caramelized and balanced ingredients are contained by lightweight pastry pockets put together with lace-like precision. This care and attention to detail can also be seen in the delicious daily specials, usually homemade casserole dishes with carefully cooked layers and textures.

There were two main reasons why Abraham and his wife Ana-Luisa decided to open Café Mesa Latina. First, Abraham says, “We wanted to build something that would allow us to remain active and creative in our retirement.” Secondly, “We saw the potential of the neighbourhood. We were already living here and we liked how mixed it was and still is.”

The café fits right at home in this neighbourhood, and feels like a home itself. “I said no to Wi-Fi because I didn’t want Mesa Latina to be that kind of café,” says Abraham. “And today, we have a second family. When someone comes in, Ana-Luisa knows the little extras they like. People confide in me, they tell me their life stories.”

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