Centre multiservice l'avant-garde
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Meet the owner

During her maternity leave, Valérie Jean-Jacques discovered meditation, a practice that has since changed her life. “Actually, It is through practicing yoga that I discovered meditation. I practiced a mix of yoga and meditation once a week, and I quickly noticed several changes. Among other things, my energy level was at its highest: I had energy to spare, I was able to take care of my two children and make it to the end of the day and not be completely exhausted. I was sleeping well, I was less stressed and in a much better mood,” she explains.

Being in her nature to share her likes and experiences, Valérie quickly began teaching meditation. "I wanted to expose this technique to other moms who could benefit tremendously from it. Then, I became interested in teaching meditation to children. I told myself that if children discovered meditation at a young age, it would be one more tool to help them face life challenges, it would serve them. Then, I ended up taking a more mainstream orientation. Today, I teach meditation to both children and adults,” says Valérie.

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