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Meet the owner

Jonathan Guertin really found a way to unite business with pleasure when he launched Jeux Ludold in 2013. “I studied cartography and worked in the field upon graduation, but I always felt the need to have side-projects, to create something that was all mine,” Jonathan recalls. “So I developed marketing activities, worked as a community manager for a social network and completed my studies in cartography. Through it all, I maintained a passion for board games – discovering new titles, playing them, collecting them.”

This passion has been a long-standing one for Jonathan. It was during his spare periods in university that he discovered a café where participants gathered around a moderator to play various board games. “I started going to this café frequenting, going to board-game nights, finding out about new games; it grew into a real passion,” he explains.

It was during his marketing initiatives that Jonathan met a business coach who helped him come to a life-changing awareness. “As our relationship progressed, we realized that I had much to gain from creating my own job out of my passion for games,” says Jonathan, “He convinced me to start my own business in that field, and that has proven to be the best piece of advice I was ever given.”

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