United Tattoo

Products and Services

  • Tattoo & Piercing Shop,
Useful Information


  • $11 To $25,

Meet the owner

If there’s a single parlour Sud-Ouest dwellers should keep in mind when looking to get inked, it’s United Tattoo. Located in the heart of Saint-Henri, on quickly gentrifying Notre-Dame Street, Chen Jeh-Chen’s studio is unlike any other.

"I see the parlour more like a gathering of artists than only a place that specializes in body art," Chen explains. "Tattoos are art, and the whole team shares this vision of the work. We take what we do very seriously, because once a person gets tattooed,they’ll be wearing a piece of art for the rest of their life."

For Chen, it’s exactly this desire to "wear" art that brings clients and tattoo artists together. "That’s why getting a tattoo is a big deal," he explains. "Clients have a very specific vision of what they want, of what it means to them and of how they want it placed; it’s our job to discuss with them to really understand their vision, what the tattoo means to them." For Chen, the client-artist relationship in this industry really is a special one, "an artistic vision binds clients and artists together; it’s a unique link between two people."

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