Valerie Lalonde
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Meet the owner

Mixx Authentik is a stylish vintage store in the heart of St. Henri that specializes in used items. The store is populated with all manner of interesting pieces that span decades in terms of when they were made, giving the store a decidedly retro feel.

Valerie Lalonde, owner and manager, opened the store in 2011. “I fell in love with the space and location. Originally I was just going to try and sell everything online, but when I walked past this place, it was calling me. This is the store I’ve pictured in my mind for a while, so I took the risk,” says Valerie.

The vision for the store came out of Valerie’s desire to mix interesting items with a positive business platform. “I wanted to put together a business where I felt good about myself and good about what I was doing. I started to see all of these great, interesting used items laying around and I thought why not put them together and do something that would make a difference, and so that’s how we got started.”

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