Your Official Vipeq Distributor for Western Canada & US
A High Performance Spray Cork Finish for building exteriors.
Cork is a natural product from the cork bark tree. Every 8 - 10 years, the bark is trimmed by hand to extract the cork, and does not cause damage to the tree. During the trimming, the cork tree releases large amounts of oxygen, helping to replenish the air we breathe.
Cork has natural properties that make it an amazing coating product. It is naturally breathable and resists mold and mildew growth. It is naturally elastic and fire-retardant and will always return to it’s original volume after deformation or pressure.
These are some of the key properties that make cork the vital ingredient in our industry leading cork spray, Thermal CorkShield™.

Thermal CorkShield™ is packed full of amazing functional features thanks to all-natural cork and Vipeq’s own proprietary resin and dyes.

Resists Salt Penetration
Minimizing mineral degeneration and staining.

Mold & Mildew Resistant
Suberin stops mold growth in it's tracks.

Provides Thermal Insulation
K-value of 0.058w/mk effectively stops the transfer of heat or cold.

Fade Resistant
1-2% color fade annually in direct UV exposure.

Crack & Chip Resistant
Expands and contracts with pressure and tempurature.

Acoustic Insulation Properties
Dampen noises around you.

Fire Retardant
Does not propagate flames nor release harmful chemicals when exposed to extreme heat. Class A rating.

Non-shedding, non-toxic and non-VOC.

Harvested and renewable cork, retro-fit renovations without the landfill.
Thermal CorkShield™ is a high performing cork spray finish for the exterior of any building.
Our product not only helps to lower utility bills and maintenance needs, but it also adds a beautiful texture and rich colour, making your home stand out for years to come!
When cork is applied to a surface, it creates a thermal barrier that keeps the outside elements where they belong, outside.
Our proprietary formula that was developed over years of research, allows Vipeq Thermal CorkShield™ to perform in all seasons while holding its shape and retaining its colour.
Commercial Applications
The heat as well as the cold, enter your business from the outside; creating invisible damage and an uncomfortable work environment.
Thermal CorkShield™ can refresh and beautify any work-worn/age-worn building while adding resistance to future wear and tear and protecting you from unexpected utility or maintenance bills.
Our commercial applications are the perfect solution for any type of structure looking to update it’s look or improve efficiency without losing it’s original integrity. In the case of this astonishing Roman Catholic Church built-in 1921 in Holdfast, have it withstand another century!
“We had Vipeq Thermal Corkshield installed on our commercial building 5+ years ago and it has been amazing.”
— Mackenzie