4 foods that can help fight cancer

October 2, 2015

The link between cancer and nutrition is powerful. These are just five cancer-fighting foods that should be on your plate more regularly.

4 foods that can help fight cancer

1. Apples

  • Apples are packed with quercetin, an antioxidant shown to reduce the risk of numerous cancers, particularly lung cancer.
  • One study of more than 77,000 women found just one apple a day reduced the risk of lung cancer by 21 percent, regardless of smoking status.
  • Laboratory studies show that quercetin prevents lung cancer cells from multiplying.

2. Raspberries

  • Black raspberries, seeds and all, have 40 percent more antioxidants than blueberries and strawberries.
  • If you inject rats with chemical that causes colon cancer, and then feed them a diet rich in raspberries, they develop 80 percent fewer tumours than rats who didn't get the fruit.
  • Freeze-dried black raspberries also kept another set of rats from developing mouth and esophageal cancers.

3. Cruciferous vegetables

  • Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage-based dishes like sauerkraut and coleslaw.
  • In one study, men who ate three or more 125-gram (1/2-cup) servings of these veggies a week reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 41 percent, compared to men who ate less.
  • Steam the vegetables slightly and drizzle on a little olive oil to get the most benefits.

4. Garlic and onions

  • These two flavourful foods are jam-packed with cancer-destroying chemicals.
  • Get 16 servings a week of onions. 125 grams (1/2 cup) raw, chopped onion equals one serving.
  • You'll also want 22 servings a week of garlic. One clove equals one serving.
  • If you eat enough, your risk of oral, esophageal, colorectal, laryngeal, ovarian, breast, and prostate cancers drop significantly.
  • The protective effect from both vegetables stem from the same compounds that give each their distinctive odours: organosulfur compounds.
  • These compounds influence enzymes that activate and detoxify carcinogens, they prevent DNA from bonding to cancer-causing substances and they're great at scavenging up free radicals in your bloodstream.
    • They also support the immune system, among other benefits.
  • Either use garlic raw or let it sit for 10 minutes after chopping; otherwise, heat destroys the cancer-protecting enzymes.

These foods could help your body combat and stave off cancer, especially when combined with treatments recommended by your physician.

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