Sports like tennis, golf, biking and skiing are all fair "game" for most people with diabetes. Heed a few words to the wise to get the most out of them and make them safer and more enjoyable.
June 30, 2015
Sports like tennis, golf, biking and skiing are all fair "game" for most people with diabetes. Heed a few words to the wise to get the most out of them and make them safer and more enjoyable.
Walking for the duration of your golf match will give you the most aerobic exercise. But some walking is better than none.
You have to be prepared for blood sugar swings during the hours it takes to play a full 18 holes.
Don't assume that all types of exercise will lower your blood sugar.
Regular testing — before, during and after exercise — will help you determine how to manage your blood sugar levels with food, glucose or insulin.
If you're playing a full match, inject insulin into your abdomen beforehand.
Tennis can be tough on your hips, knees, ankles and back. The repeated impact against a hard-court surface can leave your joints sore and your feet battered. Asphalt and concrete courts are the worst offenders.
If you have reduced feeling in your feet, take care not to stand too long on sun-heated surfaces like hard-surface tennis courts, concrete pool areas, asphalt and sand.
Ask a golfer walking the course what he's doing. Chances are he won't say "exercising." Same goes for someone trying to perfect her tennis serve. Try these enjoyable sports for an easy way to get more physical activity, an essential factor in keeping your diabetes in check.
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