Healthy Planet Danforth Store

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  • grocery,
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Ratings & Reviews - Healthy Planet Danforth Store

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    Last Monday, I went to healthy planet Danforth store. I needed some medicine for my daughter PCO and high prolactin hormones. I met with Ray, the nutritionist. He was very helpful. He spent almost 40 minutes, helping me with my medicine and also, he, did some research on store computer. He also let me make take picture of hormane cycle from his PC. I was really impress from his help and over all professional service. He knows his job, very well, very friendly and helpful. way to go Ray ,

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    Editor’s Pick
    Danforth grocery stores to call your own

    Danforth grocery stores to call your own

    What you put into your body can make a huge difference to your quality of life but you can’t help but feel that some grocers take advantage of our urge to eat healthier food. Healthy Planet comes to the rescue by selling reasonably-priced goods and posting regular specials. If you need a quick pick-me-up before filling your cart, visit their espresso station or juice bar.

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    Get your organic glow on at these Toronto health food stores

    Get your organic glow on at these Toronto health food stores

    This store first set up in 1995 on the Danforth just west of Pape, but soon expanded into nine more locations, going as far as Pickering in the east, Richmond Hill in the north and Mississauga in the west. Healthy Planet was able to do so because it didn’t just focus on healthy foods, but healthy living in general. You can find tons of great articles and useful tips on the website, or pop into a store for real time advice.

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