Karma Food Co-Operative Inc
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Appears in 2 Smart Lists

Editor’s Pick
Not-your-average grocery stores in Toronto

Not-your-average grocery stores in Toronto

Would you like to have a say about which products your store carries, or are you willing to work a couple hours a month or pay a monthly fee for lower prices? If the answer is yes, then a food co-op may be for you. Nestled in the heart of the Annex in an old Victorian home, this member-run market carries a robust selection of organic produce, dairy and meat, plus meat alternatives. Shelves are stocked with all the regulars, too: nut butters, grains, and cereals alongside tons of bulk items. Hot tip: membership not required to shop.

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Bulk food stores in Toronto

Bulk food stores in Toronto

Owned and operated by the community, this co-op’s members had a strong desire to see quality, healthy food available for less than the price of a mortgage. To shop at this non-profit bulk store, you do have to get a membership, but it’s not like the gym: Once you see the savings available here, you’ll go all the time. And you’ll be the envy of your friends when they see what you paid for your organic food.

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